Clongriffin Town is a local town within a city. It was an ambitious and impressive project at its first conception, and will now be admired as a showcase for sustainability, a modern regeneration success story, and an integral part of Dublin City. Highly-insulated buildings constructed to the latest efficiency standards are linked with high quality landscaping, incorporating the latest renewable energy standards. Wind turbines provide electricity for Father Collins Park, Ireland’s first wholly sustainable park, and solar panels provide electricity and hot water in homes.

Integrated transport planning for Clongriffin Town encourages people to think about ‘trip linking’. This is when you complete an entire journey from door to destination by walking, cycling, and using public transport. The town is located between the town square with the DART station and the extensive landscaped parkland of Father Collins Park, offering excellent walking and cycling trails, unique event spaces, and peaceful picnic spots. Located at the bottom of the Esplanade stairs is the paved Civic Square, ideal for small events and outdoor exhibitions. It features a performance area, ambient lighting, and integrated terraced stone block seating.

There is much in Clongriffin Town to look forward to. Already there is approximately 5,000 residents and by mid-2018 we expect to have 1,000 people working within the Town. The park, Civic Square and train station are all open and these amenities attract visitors from across a wide catchment area. The final piece of the the Clongriffin Town puzzle will be the ‘Moyne River Walk’, which will emerge at Portmarnock estuary, stretching all the way back to the M1 Motorway and the old Belcamp Hall Estate.

Clongriffin Town is much more than a residential and commercial development. It’s a vibrant and dynamic town for so many people: a place to live, a place to work, a place to relax. The town boasts excellent sustainability credentials as a place where people can live their lives within walking distance of so many essential services. Shops, leisure facilities, employment and public transport are locally accessible, reducing travel times and dependency on cars, and allowing people to live their lives in a more sustainable way.